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Kidd's Toy Aussies

Pine Knot KY


Kidd's Miniature American Shepherds is dedicated to the improvement of the breed. The intent of this contract is to assure that the dogs produced at Kidd's Miniature American Shepherds will receive appropriate care and will be

protected from indiscriminate breeding, so that the outstanding qualities

of health and versatility are enhanced. It is to be recognized that this

Toy/Mini puppy represents many years of careful breeding and is considered

to be of extreme value both to the seller and to the buyer. Therefore,

the buyer agrees to provide all necessary veterinary services, will protect

from injury and will not allow the animal to roam free in the community

(i.e. shall maintain the dog in your home or have proper fencing).

Kidd's Miniature American Shepherds, agree to SELL a (male/female) Miniature American Shepherd for a Pet.

Date Whelped:_______________Color_____________

Sire: _______________________________

Dam: _______________________________

SOLD TO: ______________________________

Cell #_________________________


For the sum of $__________

The Buyer agrees to have this animal examined by a licensed veterinarian

within 48 hours after obtaining possession (excluding weekends and holidays)

Seller agrees this animal to be free of all

disease or defect and in good health to the best of his knowledge. The buyer accepts

complete responsibility for the health and well-being of this animal from

date of possession and agrees that loss, death or disablement of this

animal shall in no way nullify, lessen or alter his obligation to the seller under the terms of this contract. The SELLER guarantees this animal to be purebred and registrable with

the American Kennel Club, unless otherwise specified herein, and to be

free of any liens or encumbrances resulting from terms of the stud

contract, veterinary fees, leases or co-ownerships. SELLER guarantees that all vaccines are current, or as listed below. BUYER agrees that this puppy will carry the Kidd's prefix in its registered name IF paperwork is provided. The BUYER agrees that should he ever decide to part with this dog that

the SELLER will be notified and must approve of any suitable home.

SELLER is responsible for the dog for the entirety of its life. Should the

buyers’ situation change in that he can no longer keep the dog, he must

notify the seller immediately. The seller will take the dog back or assist

in finding a suitable home for it. AT NO TIME will this Kidd's Miniature American Shepherd dog be surrendered to a shelter or humane society. BUYER understands he has purchased a Pet dog and that this dog is

considered to be a representative of its breed and is structurally and

temperamentally sound. BUYER agrees they will spay or neuter for the

health of this dog, at the appropriate time. This animal is not to be used for breeding and

offspring of said animal are not registrable. If BUYER allows said animal

to be bred and produce offspring, damages in the amount of $5,000 will

be paid to the SELLER and said animal will be neutered/spayed

immediately and/or repossessed by the SELLER. This puppy is not to be

registered with any other animal registry (ASDR, UKC, CKC etc.) without the SELLER’S written consent.

Reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent this puppy from

acquiring hereditary faults such as PRA. SELLER guarantees this puppy to

be free of genetic defects which would make it unsuitable as a pet for 12

months. If this puppy were to have a genetic defect a replacement puppy can be provided when available of equal quality. BUYER must provide proof of congenital defect from a licensed Veterinarian to receive replacement. No other guarantees are made. No money will be refunded.

The BUYER agrees that should he not meet any and all terms of this

agreement, the SELLER may repossess this animal, after giving five days

written notice. The BUYER agrees to pay any lawyer's fees, court costs,

traveling and shipping expense and other miscellaneous expenses incurred

by the SELLER in repossessing this animal. Any legal proceeding and or collection of fees will occur in McCreary County, Kentucky. BUYER agrees that any further transfers of this Miniature American Shepherd are bound by this agreement. SELLER certifies that all statements made in this contract are true and correct to the best of his knowledge.





I have read and understand the guarantees and conditions of sale.

I agree to these conditions.

BUYER: _________________________DATE:_________


A non refundable Deposit of_________ given on ______________

Balance due of _______________when puppy is picked up.

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